Home insurance policies can cover more than just fire and theft. Many insurance providers offer comprehensive policies with surprising extra features that homeowners may not be aware they have. These protections should be an important part of your decision as you search for an Illinois homeowners insurance policy.
This guide lists some of the most surprising home features covered by homeowners insurance. If you are in the market for Illinois homeowners insurance, consider these features in addition to the standard options that all policies should provide in your area.
Personal Property Coverage
Most homeowners know their insurance policy protects their primary residence from fire and water damage. However, policies also cover damage to personal property, which includes belongings such as clothes, electronics, furniture, jewelry, and other personal effects.
When personal property is stolen or damaged in a covered event, homeowners may be reimbursed based on the value or loss of use of their belongings, depending on their policy limits. Before discarding damaged belongings, evaluate them for compensation through your insurance provider.
Detached Buildings Coverage
In addition to primary residence coverage, known as Coverage A, detached buildings are also covered by home insurance policies as part of Coverage B. Detached structures such as sheds, garages, pool houses, and other property additions are susceptible to the same damages as primary residences, such as theft and weather damage. Many homeowners are surprised to learn that their pool is covered in certain events, such as vandalism, without additional riders.
Loss of Use Coverage
Loss of Use coverage, also known as Coverage D, is a surprise to many homeowners. After a covered event causes the primary residence to be uninhabitable, homeowners and their families can incur many additional expenses for restaurants, hotels, laundry, and transportation until their home becomes habitable again.
Many homeowners are surprised that these expenses are covered by standard homeowners insurance, provided they resulted from a covered event. Even food loss coverage, which pays for food lost due to weather-related power outages, can be added to home insurance policies.
Lawsuit Costs

Lawsuits can impact homeowners in numerous scenarios, including slander and libel cases that can affect their personal and professional reputations. In an age when even online communication can be a risk factor for unwanted litigation, homeowners should know that this coverage, known as personal & advertising injury insurance, can protect them against these allegations.
This extra coverage is not usually included in standard homeowners insurance policies but can be added through an additional rider. Homeowners with professional reputations and businesses to protect are particularly suitable for this feature.
Animal Injury Costs
Many homeowners are surprised to learn that injuries from animals may be covered by their insurance policy. While most medical payments coverage does not apply to animal bites, pet liability insurance can be added to insurance policies to protect homeowners and guests in the event of an animal-related injury.
While this coverage may help pay for medical bills related to injuries from animals, it may not cover legal fees in the event of a houseguest or patron’s lawsuit against your pet (see “lawsuit costs” above). Additionally, while standard animal breeds are usually covered, exotic pets, even those legally obtained, may be excluded from pet liability coverage without additional riders.
Fire Department Costs
Most homeowners are unaware that fire departments can charge for their services. On top of paying for the damage to their residence, many homeowners are surprised to get a bill for services rendered. However, homeowners insurance policies sometimes cover this expense in the event of fire damage.
Riot Damage
Most homeowners have not considered the ramifications of civil riots near or on their properties. Political or civil riots can cause significant property damage that is surprisingly covered in most basic home insurance policies. The cost of repairing damage to the primary residence and other structures, such as fences, garages, driveways, mailboxes, and more, may be reimbursed if the situation is listed in the policy.
Identity Theft Costs

Identity theft can affect anyone, destroying their credit scores and potentially ruining their professional reputations. Some homeowners insurance policies offer identity theft coverage as part of their home insurance package. This coverage helps homeowners pay for identity theft-related expenses, including lost wages, legal fees, and notary costs.
The limits and specific conditions of identity theft reimbursement differ by policy. Speak with your insurance provider to learn more about identity theft coverage and other potential policy additions.
Protect Your Home with Pro Insurance Group
At Pro Insurance Group, our experienced team specializes in customizing home insurance policies for home and business owners. We guarantee transparent coverage options to make sure our clients understand their coverage needs and receive a policy that matches their situation.
Contact our expert team today to learn how we can provide robust standard insurance policies with customizable options to cover your needs as a homeowner in any eventuality.